Outdoor Classroom Resources

outdoor classrooms

Outdoor classrooms are becoming popular within school settings to promote authentic learning experiences. These spaces can be created in many types of locations (urban, suburban, and rural areas) and are applicable in all subject areas including art, science, global languages, and keyboarding, as some examples. We encourage article submissions to encourage outdoor classroom practices in a variety of ways, such as methods for designing spaces, instructional activities, and ways to support students’ overall well-being. Submissions can be sent to submissions@blueswallowfarmfoundation.org.

Worm Workers

April 1, 2024|Outdoor Classroom|

Worm Workers
Rebecca Bland
Washington County Public Schools, Maryland

The hum of busy fifth graders at work is obvious to any visitor that stops by their classroom at Salem Avenue Elementary School in Hagerstown, Maryland. What is not so obvious is the silent work of thousands of red wigglers – a […]

Building an Outdoor Classroom Amphitheater

April 1, 2024|Outdoor Classroom|

Building an Outdoor Classroom Amphitheater
Dan Balkan
James Madison University

wood shopA team of James Madison University (JMU) Industrial Design students helped bring to life the Keister Enchanted Forest. This was a 13-week project with Keister Elementary to help rebuild their nature trails […]

Keister Elementary’s Enchanted Forest

April 1, 2024|Outdoor Classroom|

Keister Elementary’s Enchanted Forest
Brooke Imber
Harrisonburg City Public Schools, Virginia

outdoor classOne of the best things about being an elementary school art teacher is getting to dream big about all sorts of ideas with our littlest learners. As Keister Elementary School’s Art […]

Seeds of Change in Ethiopia

February 1, 2024|Outdoor Classroom|

Seeds of Change in Ethiopia
Nicolo Di Marzo – Link Education

schoolTaking private action for public good to support government and non-governmental (NGOs) work is exactly what the community around Tomtome Primary School is doing by growing a lush cornfield surrounding the school’s […]

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